Friday, September 28, 2018

The Number 1 Reason Why Men Use Women

Image result for 6 Traits Men Want In A Long Term Partner

That's it! I am left with no choice but to start a revolution!
This article is directed at all of the women out there who are into men, who fall quickly for new guy after new guy and find that they all do the same things:

1 - Act like Prince Charming to start with
2 - Disappear like a magic act after a month or 2
Back in the day - Pre World War II women got what they wanted from men far more often than the women of the 21st Century.
Sure society was different and for a man to marry a woman it was deemed 'the right thing to do'. Times sure have changed.
However, while there were rogues around back then, my grandmother told me so, women knew a few tricks that women of today don't. Those tricks, those keys, those secrets are the difference between getting a man you want and or getting done over time and time again by frogs.
The only reason why men get away with treating us like scum is because WE LET THEM!
This is where the revolution comes in.
Because women all over the world have such loose standards, aren't staunch and don't train men on how to treat them like a lady... with respect and allow men to determine the pace of all interactions, we constantly battle in the dating arena.
We must unite and teach men on how to treat us properly.
See things from a guy's perspective. Men want to be free, they want to have their freedom and have as many women as possible until they find one that takes their breath away or they reach a point of maturity where they want to settle down.
If you want to be that one in a million girl that captures a QUALITY mans heart and keeps his interest piqued then you need to religiously do the following things:
1. Slow everything down - discriminate on the type of men you meet and make them wait to see you or speak to you.
2. Don't get physical with them for the first few dates. That means no touching or kissing at all. Tell him before you meet them that if they touch you you will leave and if they do - follow through.
3. Develop an emotional connection over a long period of time. Without an emotional connection you don't have a leg to stand on he will leave you.
4. Don't change your life to suit his schedule - maintain your own life
5. Don't have sex too quickly and make sure you have the discussion about being exclusive before you do. He may still sex you and walk away but at least you have had that discussion first.
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